Sep 05 , 2016

Why EHR Training is Crucial for Success


Transitioning to a new EMR system is more than simply swapping hardware or adding computers to exam rooms; it changes the way you do healthcare. But despite the well-known importance of a thoughtfully designed implementation process, end-user training is often under-emphasized. From small, single-provider practices to large organizations; end-user training for EMR systems is essential to support efficiency, best practices, and even patient safety.

EHR Training Starts with Dedication

There are countless ways an EHR training program affects overall implementation. But one key advantage of carefully planned training is the opportunity to foster buy-in and commitment from administrators, providers, and staff. Providing examples and evidence of similar practice’s success stories, or improved patient outcomes following computerized provider order entry (CPOE) implementations, can be great ways to encourage dedication to the implementation of a new electronic health records system. Using training as an opportunity to revisit “big picture” goals throughout the process can help maintain enthusiasm and minimize frustration as individuals are charged with learning a great deal of information in what can sometimes feel like a very short period of time.

The Consequences of Ineffective Training

EHR Training program

  EHR Training Will Help You be Successful

Insufficient end-user training, along with poorly focused and ineffective EMR implementation, can (and does) lead to adverse consequences in medical practices. These consequences can range from loss of efficiency to medical errors, affecting both a practice itself and its patients. Loss of productivity and job satisfaction can result from inadequate training, but it can also affect a practice’s bottom line as well. Following the purchase of an EHR system, providers rightfully expect a significant ROI through benefits such as fewer billing and coding errors, more efficiency, and more productivity. These benefits are at risk in the event of ineffective training, serving as the culprit for the grievance that an EHR system is somehow not working the way it should.

The Benefits of Quality Training

Even the best EMR system in the world won’t function properly in the absence of well-trained users. As electronic medical records systems proliferate in the healthcare industry, the benefits of developing confident providers through an effective training period are becoming more and more evident. In fact, the importance of end-user training for EHRs has led to the rise of increased related coursework in medical schools and other healthcare provider training programs. Benefits of effective EHR training programs include increased charting and coding accuracy, along with improved productivity and efficiency that benefits both providers and their patients. The practice also benefits from a solid return on its initial investment for years to come.

Our experts at ZH Healthcare understand the importance of not only choosing a records system that fits your practice, but also training your providers and staff on how to use it effectively. We offer our state-of-the-art HITaaS (Healthcare IT as a Service) systems with complete support and training to provide you with the confidence and fluency you need to get the most out of your EHR.

Contact us (+1 855-936-3367) today to learn more!